If you recently attended our Cambridge Mural walking tour, use this list to find more information about the mural artists who created these stunning works!!
- Bruno Smoky – http://www.brunosmoky.com
- Shalak Attack – https://www.shalakattack.com

- Dave Bonzai – https://www.instagram.com/davebonzai/
- Mr. Tensoe – https://www.instagram.com/mr_tensoe2/
- Getso – https://www.instagram.com/getsofacto/
- Odeith – https://www.odeith.com/

- Underground Gallery – http://wander-yonder.kools.ca/
- Olivier Bonnard – https://olivierbonnard.com/
- Brett Paulin – https://brettpaulindesign.com/
- D3 ArtWorks – https://www.d3artdesign.com/
- Pellvetica – https://www.pellvetica.com/portfolio/galtwings-mural
- Michele Jones – https://www.zhibit.org/michelejones
- Sonny Behan – https://sonnyonline.com/

- WD – Wild Drawing – https://www.instagram.com/wd_wilddrawing
- Birdo – https://www.jerryrugg.com/
- Lester Coloma – https://www.lestercoloma.com/

Mural artists and their work adds vibrancy and personality to any city. Let’s see what this mural collection has to say about Downtown Cambridge!
We visit 15 colourful murals created in the past decade ranging from street-level to 4-story beauties. Hear about the Cambridge International Street Art Festival that generated works by international street artists and meet local artists too. Come stroll the side streets and alleys with us to see what outdoor art contributes to a downtown core!
Hint: it’s a lot of beautiful things!
This walking tour is ideal for art lovers, downtown lovers and the artistically curious.