I can’t wait to host you on our first guided mural tour in Downtown Cambridge!
There is so much for you to see on this mural walking tour: international artists, local artists, an early effort at a street art festival, old ghost signs, fresh new work and all the stories to go with it. As we stroll, we’ll explore the question: What do murals and street art contribute to a downtown or public space? What does it way about a city of community that invests in murals?
I can’t wait for the conversation since I alway say, “art is meant to be discussed”!
This walking tour has public dates available on Wednesdays & Saturdays from mid-August until the end of September.
Grab you friends, neighbours, colleagues & join the Stroll crew!
The Cambridge Mural Tour is offered in partnership with the Downtown Cambridge BIA and there just might be a few goodies to share on behalf of the BIA and the Downtown Cambridge shops!